Engineering Solutions

Visionary. Enduring. Driven.

We can engineer any project you have in mind. Tell us how we can help you.

Years Of Working In Our Clients Best Interest

Innovative Solutions From Expert Professionals

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Exceptional experience in structural design for a variety of project types. 

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Meet Our Experienced Team

Our staff has over 15 years of experience in the engineering profession as well as over 25 years of experience in the aluminum construction industry.

Bobby Welsh

Bobby Welsh

Owner & CEO

This is brief description for the above personnel. This section font is made smaller, so that you can insert more words than usual. Try to make use of it. Cras vulputate quis quam sed tempor. Sed lobortis massa consequat, viverra ante sed, sollicitudin sapien. Vestibulum tempor et ante id pulvinar. Pellentesque tristique ante non scelerisque maximus.
John Doe

John Doe

Lead Engineer

This is brief description for the above personnel. This section font is made smaller, so that you can insert more words than usual. Try to make use of it. Cras vulputate quis quam sed tempor. Sed lobortis massa consequat, viverra ante sed, sollicitudin sapien. Vestibulum tempor et ante id pulvinar. Pellentesque tristique ante non scelerisque maximus.
Jane Doe

Jane Doe


This is brief description for the above personnel. This section font is made smaller, so that you can insert more words than usual. Try to make use of it. Cras vulputate quis quam sed tempor. Sed lobortis massa consequat, viverra ante sed, sollicitudin sapien. Vestibulum tempor et ante id pulvinar. Pellentesque tristique ante non scelerisque maximus.
Steve Doe

Steve Doe


This is brief description for the above personnel. This section font is made smaller, so that you can insert more words than usual. Try to make use of it. Cras vulputate quis quam sed tempor. Sed lobortis massa consequat, viverra ante sed, sollicitudin sapien. Vestibulum tempor et ante id pulvinar. Pellentesque tristique ante non scelerisque maximus.

Our Association Memberships

" Type your testimonial for this customer. Remember to change the name & position of the client below. This is a slider, so remember to change the other slides as well. "

James D. Company Name.

" Another testimonial for a customer. Remember to change the name & position of the client below. This is a slider, so remember to change the other slides as well. "

Michael S. Company Name.